Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yoyogi Shabondama

The family was in the Yoyogi Park in Sunday afternoon. It seems that the blistering summer hear has come to a close and cool fall temperatures may have finally come.

After a ride around the cycle track and lunch, we got ready to head home. However, we decided to see if there was anything unusual in the park and found the a bubble man.

The man responsible for all the bubbles has a nice blog in Japanese.  If you are an English reader, you can use Google translate and read it here Yoyogi Shabondama (or see the original web site at  代々木公園@シャボン玉ブログ).

Monday, September 5, 2011

Summer is almost over... or Buzz Off

The cicada or "semi" in Japanese are still out making plenty of noise. Their summer singing is one of the unique things I will always remember about being in Japan.  Their songs are almost deafening in the middle of summer even in a small Tokyo park. However, as the temperatures drop, their songs start to fade. This semi was spotted by my wife while we were in Rinshi No Mori Park in Meguro.

Anyway, I wish I had my macro lens with me, but it wasn't to be.

There's a really good post on cicadas in Japan at the Tsukublog - What's the Buzz About.